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HIT dana: The Beatles – Rain

Autor mondo.ba

Današnji MONDO hit je numera "Rain" legendarnih Bitlsa.

Ova pjesma izdata je maja 1966. godine kao B strana singla "Paperback Writer". Važi za prvu psihodeličnu pjesmu grupe i najbolju B stranu nekog singla koji su Bitlsi izdali.

U pjesmi "Rain" po prvi put u istoriji pop muzike upotrebljen je zvuk pušten "unatrag".


Izvor: YouTube/screenshot


If the rain comes they run and hide their heads
They might as well be dead
If the rain comes, if the rain comes

When the sun shines they slip into the shade
And sip their lemonade
When the sun shines, when the sun shines

Rain, I don't mind
Shine, the weather's fine

I can show you that when it starts to rain
Everything's the same
I can show you, I can show you

Rain, I don't mind
Shine, the weather's fine

Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines
It's just a state of mind?
Can you hear me, can you hear me?

Sdaeh rieht edih dna nur yeht semoc niar eht fI


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