Veliki broj građana Amsterdama danas je krenuo prema zaleđenim jezerima i kanalima kako bi uživali u klizanju prije nego dođe do porasta temperatura, najavljenog u narednim danima...
Klizači i šetači uživaju na zaleđenim amsterdamskim kanalima
Dozens of skaters took to the frozen surface of Amsterdam's historic Prinsengracht canal in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021, as the deep freeze gripping Europe briefly made it possible to skate on a small section of the canal for the first time since 2018. People skated and walked on a small stretch of ice between two bridges close to the landmark Westerkerk before growing cracks in the ice forced all but the most daring off the ice. in Amsterdam, Netherlands, Saturday, Feb. 13, 2021. (AP Photo/Patrick Post)