Više od 150 vatrogasaca bori se s požarom koji je izbio u istrorijskom delu San Franciska, u zalivu na pristaništu Pjer 45, saopšteno je iz gradske vatrogasne službe.

Kako prenosi Si-En-En, četvrtinu Ribarskog pristaništa progutala je vatra.
Jedan od vatrogasaca je povređen, ima nekoliko posekotina na ruci i prebačen je u lokalnu bolnicu,ali nema drugih povređenih.
San Francisco's Pier 45 fire is contained
— Danny A Carbajal (@DanyAlexanderT)May 24, 2020
ICYMI: This fire engulfed a warehouse — known to hold fish processing equipment and a few offices — at San Francisco's historic Fisherman's Wharf in the early hours of Saturday morning. There were no injuries
— Bloomberg QuickTake (@QuickTake)May 24, 2020
Svi posetioci su evakuisani sa lokacije, kao i zaposleni u obližnjim preduzećima.
A four-alarm fire erupted at a warehouse on San Francisco’s waterfront early Saturday, with more than 100 firefighters rushing to Pier 45 to battle the blaze.
— WSB Radio (@wsbradio)May 24, 2020
A four-alarm fire erupted at a warehouse on San Francisco’s waterfront early Saturday, with more than 100 firefighters rushing to Pier 45 to battle the blaze.
— WSB Radio (@wsbradio)May 24, 2020
Još nije poznat uzrok požara.