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Jezivo samoubistvo manekenke

Autor mondo.rs

Manekenka i glumica oduzela sebi život na bizaran način, prenose američki mediji.

Manekenka Stefani Šerk izvršila je samoubistvo tako što je vezala tegove za noge, a zatim skočila u bazen porodične kuće.

Suprug Demijan Bišir vest o njenoj tragičnoj smrti objavio je na Instagramu.

"Moja lepotica, moj talentovani anđeo. Sa neizmernim bolom vas obaveštavam da više nije sa nama," napisao je meksički glumac nominovan za Oskara.

Par je bio u vezi od 2011, venčao se tri godine kasnije i nije imao dece, a nije poznato šta je Stefani navelo na ovaj tragični korak.

Osim manekenstvom, Stefani se bavila i glumim i igrala u filmovima "Un cuento de Circo&A love song" sa Evom Longorijom, kao i filmovima "Star power", "Valentine's day", "Loco love" i drugim. U trneutku smrti pripremala se za ulogu u novom delu horor serijala "Grudge". Njen suprug nomminovan je za Oskara za glavnu ulogu u filmu "A better life".

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Dear friends, On behalf of the Sherk and the Bichir Nájera families, it is with inconceivable pain that I announce that on April 20, 2019, our dearest Stefanie Sherk, my beloved and loving wife, passed away peacefully. It has been the saddest and toughest time of our lives and we don’t know how much time it will take for us to overcome this pain. Stefanie’s beautiful, angelical and talented presence will be immensely missed. We will hold Stefanie in our hearts forever. We thank everybody beforehand for their prayers and we respectfully ask for your understanding so we may grieve in peace and privacy in these incredibly difficult times. It is our sincerest hope that our beautiful Stefanie, my angel and love of my life, will rest in eternal peace. Queridos amigos, A nombre de la familia Sherk y la familia Bichir Nájera, con un dolor indescriptible, les informo que nuestra hermosa Stefanie Sherk, mi amada esposa, falleció en completa paz, el pasado 20 de Abril del año en curso. Han sido los días más tristes y dolorosos de nuestras vidas y no sabemos cuánto tiempo nos llevará sobreponernos a este dolor. La hermosa, angelical y talentosa presencia de mi Stefanie será echada de menos profundamente y permanecerá en nuestros corazones para siempre. Agrademos a todos de antemano sus oraciones y de manera respetuosa pedimos su comprensión para que podamos vivir este luto en paz y privacidad en estos momentos tan difíciles para todos nosotros. Es nuestra más sincera esperanza que nuestra amada Stefanie, mi ángel y amor de mi vida, descanse eternamente en paz.

A post shared by DEMIAN BICHIR (@demianbichiroficial) on

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If you’re lucky to have a dog come into your life you will have the unique opportunity to learn about loyalty, courage, resilience and most importantly how to love unconditionally. After 17 amazing years, wonderful Rudy advanced to a higher level of energy yesterday. @stefaniesherk was passing by a pet store and saw baby Rudy in a cage corner, rolled up. Her brothers and sisters were happily playing around her. When she asked about her she was told they couldn’t sell her because she was ill and most likely she would die soon. Stefanie then said, no, she won’t, she’s coming with me. Rudy proved everyone wrong over and over again throughout her amazing life. She was a spiritual healer and will be deeply missed. Only animal lovers understand the sorrow of losing such a formidable friend. So long, buddy.

A post shared by DEMIAN BICHIR (@demianbichiroficial) on


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