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HIT dana: The Kinks - Too Much on My Mind

Autor mondo.ba

Za sve nas, kojima je glava prepuna svega i svačega...

Izvor: YouTube


There's too much on my mind
There's too much on my mind
And I can't sleep at night thinking about it
I'm thinking all the time
There's too much on my mind
It seems there's more to life than just to live it

There's too much on my mind
And there is nothing I can say
There's too much on my mind
And there is nothing I can do
About it
About it

My thought just weigh me down
And drag me to the ground
And shake my head till there's no more life in me
It's ruining my brain
I'll never be the same
My poor demented mind is slowly going

There's too much on my mind...


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