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Izdanje: Potvrdi

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Legenda prelomila: U 47. godini, posle tri decenije na sceni, vreme za kraj

Autor mondo.rs

Leander Paes je saopštio da će mu 2020. biti poslednja godina profesionalnog bavljenja tenisom

Indijski teniser Leander Paes odlučio je da posle tri decenije profesionalnog igranja tenisa ode u penziju.

Sjajni dubl igrač, koji će u junu napuniti 47 godina, saopštio je da će 2020. biti njegova oproštajna sezona.

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"Ova sezona biće moja poslednja u karijeri. Radujem se kalendaru za 2020. gde ću odigrati nekoliko odabranih turnira, putovati sa svojim timom i slaviti sa navijačima. Svi vi ste me inspirisali i želim da vam se zahvalim zbog toga", poručio je Paes, napominjući da će mu sigurno biti teško da zadrži emocije.

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Merry Christmas everyone! Here’s wishing all of you and your families a fabulous year ahead filled with health, happiness and excitement. ⁣⁣ ⁣ This being said, I want to announce 2020 as my farewell year as a pro tennis player. ⁣ ⁣⁣ Firstly, I want to thank my parents for their genetics, guidance, discipline, environment they created and unconditional love they have always shown me throughout my life. I would not be who I am without your unstinting support and belief in me. I love you ❤⁣⁣ ⁣ I want to thank my two sisters Jacquie and Maria. They are my Rocks. Being older than me, they have brought me up to understand the ups and downs of life’s journey. And have brought me up to understand how to be a gentleman as well as stand firm to our beliefs and morals that our parents have instilled in us. I love you two ❤ ⁣⁣ ⁣ I want to thank my daughter Aiyana, for teaching me that the most beautiful thing in the world is to have a daughter. You are my inspiration. Papa loves you ⁣⁣ ⁣ I am looking forward to the 2020 tennis calendar where I will be playing a few select tournaments, traveling with my team and celebrating with all my friends and fans around the world. It is all of you who have inspired me to become me and I want to take this year to say “Thank you” to you. ⁣⁣ ⁣ I would love to hear your favorite “Leander memories” over the years using #OneLastRoar tagging me and I will be sharing mine too throughout the course of the year. ⁣⁣ ⁣ 2020 is going to be an emotional one and I look forward to seeing all of you out there Roaring with me ⁣⁣ ⁣ It’s been an honour being your LionHeart ⁣⁣ I hope Santa is being kind to all of you. ⁣⁣ God Bless,⁣⁣ Leander⁣⁣ #OneLastRoar

A post shared byLeander Paes(@leanderpaes) on

Paes je profesionalac od 1991. godine, i od tada je osvojio 54 titule u dublu i jednu u singlu. U igri parova ima osam grend slem trofeja, a osvojio je i 10 u miksu.

Na prvom mestu ATP liste dubl igrača stigao je u junu 1999. godine, i zadržao se 39 nedelja. Paes u svojoj bogatoj kolekciji trofeja ima ima i olimpijsku medalju - bronzu osvojenu u singlu na Igrama u Atlanti 1996, kao i pet zlata u dublu sa Azijskih igara.

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