Policijska akcija u jednom tržnom centru u Pariskom poslovnom distriktu La Defans zbog dojave da se po tržnom centru šeta naoružan čovjek, je završena.

To je saopšteno na Twitter nalogu policijske uprave. Više detalja za sada nije saopšteno.
Zbog detaljne policijske akcije tržni centar je ispražnjen, a metro stanica na Defansu privremeno zatvorena.
#BREAKING(PARIS). Police have closed and evacuated the Les Quatre Temps shopping centre and La Defense train station on the western side of the French capital, with reports of a an armed man..pic.twitter.com/IEsig2jkie
— Adrián Sánchez Berger (@sanchezberger)June 30, 2020
Shoppers are evacuated from Paris shopping centre following reports of a gunmanhttps://t.co/k4r8pZKy0Bpic.twitter.com/tLAazCTRp9
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline)June 30, 2020
#BREAKING(PARIS) A police operation was under way at 'Les Quatre Temps' shopping center in La Defense business area in western Paris, the Paris police department said on Twitter.pic.twitter.com/diGTyIdYQ8
— Adrián Sánchez Berger (@sanchezberger)June 30, 2020