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HIT dana: The Stone Roses - All For One

Autor mondo.ba

Današnji MONDO hit je numera "All For One", legendarnog mančesterskog benda Stone Roses, njihov prvi singl u posljednjih 20 godina. Uživajte!

Izvor: You Tube


All for one, one for all
If we all join hands, we'll make a wall

All for one, one for all
If we all join hands, we'll make a wall

All for one, one for all
If we all join hands, we'll make a wall

Inside of me, for I to see
In harmony, all designed to be
The mystery, all eyes to see
Chemistry, all one family

All for one, one for all
If we take a stand, we shall not fall

Inside of me, for I to see
In harmony, all designed to be
The mystery, all eyes to see
Chemistry, all one family

Beside of me, all over me
Behind of me, right in front of me
Inside of me, for I to see
In harmony, all one family

Inside of me, for I to see
In harmony, all designed to be
The mystery, all eyes to see
Chemistry, all one family

All for one, one for all
If we all join hands, we'll make a wall


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