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Hit dana: Dead Pirates - UGO

Autor Vesna Kerkez

Radnu sedmicu završavamo pjesmom "Ugo" sastava "Dead Pirates".

Izvor: YouTube/mc bess


I've been packing up my suitcase

Got nowhere in mind

I know I'll be missing that face

Got nothing but time

Will you invite me up to your place?

I make my own wineI can hear my friends howling downstairs

You and me, won't get to sleep tonight

When will we be out of this haze?

I see you wearing out

Oh but I'll get you out of this maze

Or push deeper insideIt's just a little bit of horseplay

I've been slow cooking swineI can hear my friends howling downstairs

You and me, won't get to sleep tonight

My girl, it's almost time

See when the sun goes, we will shineMaster, won't deny

That when the sun goes we do shine...

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