Ove fotke nasmejale su ceo svet!

Videli smo kako izgleda kada se ljudi u nedostatku frizerskih usluga doteraju sami, a sada ćete videti kako izgleda kad vlasnici šišaju svoje pse.
Sada im je jasno da posao grumera nije baš lak, a sudeći po ovim psima, jedva čekaju da se poprave kod nekog.
Pogledajte fotke koje su nasmejale ceo svet!
When you change your hairstyle but you are still not happy with it PD Scooby after letting his handler give him a trimpic.twitter.com/LZrDRefwUZ
— BTP Dog Section (@BTPDogs)April 30, 2020
Trevor wasn’t happy with his new coiffure either.pic.twitter.com/4TvMSaxIxg
— Dotty Teapot (@DottyTeapot1)May 1, 2020
HELP ME!! My Mom did my grooming. I was in desperate need about 4 weeks ago... I look like a chinchilla!pic.twitter.com/6IETaPwjlZ
— Havoc the Havanese (@HavoctheHav)April 4, 2020
This pic my neighbor sent me of him fucking up his dog’s home haircut bc of the quarantine is killing me. Coronavirus already having unexpected casualtiespic.twitter.com/4I0snJrjSb
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee)March 21, 2020
@juliemasonSo - as you would surmise, my dog groomer is closed. So I had to give my dog a trim. My first pass did not go great .pic.twitter.com/1BkpdmiETh
— Not Today (@DeniseTut)April 7, 2020
ion think my dog likes his haircut..pic.twitter.com/WCtwLw3afJ
— Hoe Exotic (@MinGzDaKing)April 24, 2020