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Iduće godine - još bolja! (FOTO)

Autor mondo.rs

Glumica u šestoj deceniji izgleda "kao avion", a plan joj je da iduće godine bude zdravija (i zgodnija nego ikada).

Hale Beri ima 52 godine, iako biste na osnovu izgleda lako mogli da pomislite da ima 22 ili 32. Nije tajna da ona redovno vežba, štaviše, na Instagramu stalno objavljuje snimke i slike kako bi inspirisala druge.

Lepa glumica na Instagramu je objavila fotku na kojoj je sa svojim instruktorom Piterom Tomasom, i post za sve one koji "uplate članarinu u teretani od 1. januara i onda nikad ne odu da vežbaju", a usput je podelila sa pratiocima i svoje fitnes ciljeve za 2019.

"Postavite sebi realne ciljeve za sledeću godinu, zapišite ih negde, i to okačite tako da vam stalno bude pred očima, da biste ostali fokusirani tokom cele godine", savetuje lepotica.

Na svom Insta storiju, objavila je svoj plan za godinu koja dolazi:

"Opasni trbušnjaci" (Već ima savršeno isklesan stomak, ali pretpostavljamo da "uvek može bolje".)

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Today’s #FitnessFriday is dedicated to staying focused. As you can see, I’m having a hard time focusing this morning. Peter is all about the workout and all I want to do is avoid the workout It happens! Here is a tip for focusing that helps me stay on track: Find images of people who embody what you visualize yourself looking like, as well as phrases, slogans or mantras that inspire you. Then, find places to post them around the house. I like to put mine up in the bathroom, kitchen and my home gym. Seeing these gentle reminders throughout the day really does help! Today we share three exercises that demand full focus. Take a look at my Fitness icon on my profile to see the exercises and my pic and phrase I’ve got posted right now. You will also find the #keto cookbook many are asking about. Stay focused! ❤️ #FitnessFridayHB @aloyoga

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"Naučiti novu borilačku veštinu" (Uveliko trenira i borilalke veštine, ali izgleda da ima još toga da nauči.)

"Inspirisati više ljudi" (Izgleda da će nastaviti da objavljuje svoje #FitnessFriday postove, posvećene vežbanju i zdravoj ishrani.)

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Pow it’s #FitnessFriday, my favorite day of the week! This week let’s break down some advantages of #cardio!! For me, cardio is an essential part of my work out, and I believe that my fitness regime is not complete without it! Cardio and heart health can go hand-in-hand; it efficiently pumps blood through the body, balancing your #BloodPressure and resting heart rate. Looking for more? Cardio has got you covered! Other benefits I have experienced include - Improved memory - Increased #circulation leading to clear, healthier skin - #Bloodsugar control - Increased oxygen supply, so your muscles work harder - Reduced fatigue and shortness of breath - Significant calorie burn, helping maintain a healthy weight - My personal favorite - increased sexual arousal in women So ladies… Get to running, get to jumping … Let’s go! Check stories for some of my favorite cardio exercises

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"Trči više"

"Raditi bikram jogu" (Lepa glumica već radi jogu, ali ovaj tip joge je intenzivini, jer se obično radi u toplim prostorijama u kojima je vazduh pun vlage, a većina seansi traje po 90 minuta, tokom kojih se ozbiljno pomučite.)

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It’s #FitnessFriday and today Peter and I share with you our Tuff Tire Thursday workout and we bring it every Thursday rain or shine! We had a workout planned and it rained and we decided to stick with our plan. I have to say I felt so good that we didn’t let the rain defeat us. WE DID IT ANYWAY! So today I challenge you to do it anyway. No matter what comes up that threatened to derail your fitness plan, tell yourself “I win” and do it ANYWAY! For this workout we pulled out this ginormous tire and got busy. Finding an old used tractor tire is relatively easy. On my IG Stories and Fitness Highlight, you'll find 7 exercises that will give you a full body workout. They will challenge your overall body strength, core and even cardio. Do 10-20 reps of each exercise for 3-5 sets based on your fitness level. I’m also sharing my #keto lunch and snack for today. Enjoy ❤️ #FitnessFridayHB

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Dakle, čak i žena koja je u '50. godinama u formi dvadesetogodišnjakinje, želi da u 2019. postigne više i pomeri sopstvene granice. Pogledajte video, ako vas ona ne ubedi da počnete da vežbate… niko neće:

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Naked by @ellamai

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