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Hit dana: Scarlet Pleasure - What A Life

Autor Vesna Kerkez

Hit dana našeg portala danas je pjesma "What Life" danskog benda Scarlet Pleasure. Inače, riječ je o soundtracku iz filma "Druk/Another Round", koji takođe preporučujemo!

Izvor: YouTube/Scarlet Pleasure

A evo i riječi pjesme, pa se nemojte stidjeti da zapjevate...

What a life
What a night
What a beautiful, beautiful ride
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying
What a life

I am so thrilled right now
'Cause I'm poppin' pills right now
Don't wanna worry 'bout a thin
But it makes me terrified
To be on the other side
How long before I go insane?
I am so thrilled right now
'Cause I'm poppin' pills right now
Don't wanna worry 'bout a thing
But it makes me terrified
To be on the other side
How long before I go insane?

What a life
What a night
What a beautiful, beautiful ride
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying
What a life
It's okay, it's okay
That we're living, we're living this way
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying
What a life

Don't really have a clue
Nothing I need to do
I got some money but ain't got no plans
It's making me paranoid
To float like an asteroid
How long before I go insane?
Don't really have a clue
Nothing I need to do
I got some money but ain't got no plans
It's making me paranoid
To float like an asteroid
How long before I go insane?

What a life
What a night
What a beautiful, beautiful ride
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying
What a life
It's okay, it's okay
That we're living, we're living this way
Don't know where I'm in five but I'm young and alive
Fuck what they are saying
What a life...

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