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Hit dana: Rag’n’Bone Man & P!nk – Anywhere Away From Here

Autor Vesna Kerkez

Hit dana našeg portala danas je jedna "old school balada" - pjesma "Anywhere Away From Here", rezultat saradnje P!nk i Rag’n’Bone Mana.

Izvor: YouTube/P!NK


Wild and running
Fearlessness is burning bright
We knew nothing ‘cause out of sight is out of mind
Before we ever learnt the fear of being bold
Before we ever were afraid of the unknown

When the lights go up
I don’t think I told you I don’t think I told you
That I feel out of place
Pull me underground
Don’t know if you notice
Sometimes I close my eyes and dream of somewhere else
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here

We sold our souls and we lost control
With more doubt than hope
Glass half empty Discontented from growing old
Through all the failed attempts at trying to belong
I over think the obvious when I’m alone

When the lights go up
I don’t think I told you I
don’t think I told you
That I feel out of place
Pull me underground
Don’t know if you notice
Sometimes I close my eyes and dream of somewhere else
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here

Oh, when I close my eyes
Oh, when I close my eyes
I wish I could disappear

When the lights go up
I don’t think I told you
Don’t know if I told you
That I feel out of place
Pull me underground
Don’t know if you notice
Sometimes I close my eyes and dream of somewhere else
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here
Anywhere away from here



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