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Pjesma za dobro jutro: Franz Ferdinand - Curious

Autor Vesna Kerkez

Prva pjesma koju ćete čuti ovog jutra neka bude "Curious" odličnog britanskog benda Franz Ferdinand.

Franz Ferdinand - Curious
Izvor: youtube/franz ferdinand

Tekst ide ovako:

Meet-cute on the first page
Tension enter left on a dark stage
Our stars collide
Light, destroy the night
Am I thinking about now?
Am I thinking about then?
Am I thinking about you or me?
And when we are the future
I'm curious, curious
Will you want me?
Will you want me when you've got me?
Are you gonna love me?
Tell me, I'm a future seeker
Heat-seeking freak
I want to know now, I've gotta know now
And no, I know that no, I shouldn't be so curious
But hell, you got me curious
'Cause I might love you
With mystery dissipating
Is it ordinary remaining?
Discovery is discovered
And you know what I will say when (say when)
Say when
When the question is asked
When the question remains
Repetition, repetition
Revealing the day
Are we the future?
I'm curious, curious
Will you want me?
Will you want me when you've got me?
Are you gonna love me?
Tell me, I'm a future seeker
Heat-seeking freak
I want to know now, I've gotta know now
And no, I know that no, I shouldn't be so curious
But hell, you got me curious
Will you love me now?
Will you love me then?
Will you love me when you see
See the man within?
Can you love the man within?
Will you hold me when you've got me?
Are you gonna love me
Tell me, yes, I'm a future seeker
I'm a heat-seeking freak
You know, you know, you've got me curious
Curious, you've got me curious...



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