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Hit dana: Black Pumas - Fire

Autor Vesna Kerkez

Hit dana našeg portala danas je pjesma "Fire" fantastičnog teksaškog benda "Black Pumas". Poslušajte!

Izvor: Youtube/Black Pumas

A, ako vam se i pjeva ovoga jutra, evo riječi pjesme:

I've got a song on my heart, baby
She keeps me grooving, steady grooving
Got a lover on my mind
That keeps me wanting, steady wanting more
There's a fire, call the fireman
If you're in pain, baby, call a doctor
Don't be afraid to say "I need you"
I will understand
Baby love, pretty woman, walking down the way
If you get tired use your soul power and you'll find the way
And if there's a fire, call the fireman
If you're in pain, baby, call the doctor
Don't be afraid to say "I need you"
I will understand
Help me understand
Oh, I long for your loving, I can't get enough
When you tell me I can be there when you love again
When there's a fire, call the fireman
If there is a pain, baby, call the doctor
Don't be afraid to say "I need you"
I will understand
Help me understand
Alright, help me understand you
Smooth, smooth sailing, when I understand
Smooth, smooth sailing on the other side
If there's a fire, call the fireman
If you're in pain, baby, call a doctor
Don't be afraid to say "I need you"
I will understand


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