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Holivudska cica "otkida" za njim! (FOTO, VIDEO)

Autor mondo.rs

Oskarovka ističe da joj je ovaj čovek "promenio život".

Glumica Hale Beri je oduvek imala zavidnu figuru, ali u proteklih godinu dana odlučila da poradi na sebi mnogo više i tako upoznala svet sa Piterom Li Tomasom, čije seksi fotografije i video snimci su preplavili njen Instagram.

Naime, Piter je njen lični trener, i to ne samo fitnesa, nego i borilačkih veština. Pored Hale, ovaj frajer je zaslužan i za fizičke preobražaje brojnih drugih holivudskih faca poput Demi Lovato i Šona "Didija" Kombsa, a često ga angažuju za filmove gde vežba sa glumcima koreografije u scenama sa borilačkim veštinama.

Zbog toga ne čudi što izgleda kao isklesan od kamena, a Beri ne štedi reči hvale kada je on u pitanju.

"Pored toga što je divno ljudsko biće, on je i trener, borac, kolega glumac i nutricionista! Uz njegovu pomoć sam naučila mnogo o fitnesu i ishrani, i želim sve to da podelim sa vama. Naučio me je da boksujem, da se odbranim i mnogo toga drugog. Ne samo što sam u najboljoj formi ikada, već sam i sada sposobna da odbranim sebe i najvažnije od svega - moju decu! Za ženu ne postoji ništa važnije i osećam se moćno", napisala je jednom prilikom glumica i dodala da joj je "fitnes guru" promenio život.

Piter je, između ostalog, instruktor za tajladnski boks, a 2006. godine je bio pobednik nacionalnog takmičenja u kik-boksu.

Ali, da ne dužimo mi mnogo, najbolje je da sada malo uživate u pogledu:

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We are fighters. The heat doesn't bother us. Are you ready for the fire? We live in the heat. We train in the heat. We are at home. We are where we're supposed to be. The flames don't intimidate us. We control the flame. We move the flame where we want to, then we extinguish it. Fight for your dreams. Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever. Don't ever doubt yourself, that's what haters are for. ____________________________________________________ Special thanks to the @rikerbrothers for capturing these moments and @pharosechopark for the hospitality truly a one of a kind gym filled with genuine, passionate people. Wardrobe: @adidas @adidasoriginals @underarmour @hayabusacombat @wpstandard #instafit #igfitness #instafitness #workout #training #fitness #mensfashion #memes #fitnessjourney #yoga #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnessco #fitnessmodel #workoutmotivation #functionaltraining #fitnessgirl #boxing #kickboxing #fitnessmodel #fitnessmom #fitnessgoals #fitnesswomen #fitnessblogger #fitnessfreak #workouts #cinema #mma #cinematography @menshealthmag @mensfitnessmag @historyvikings @legendary @netflix @amazonstudios @marvelstudios

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Never underestimate the power of travel, exercise, good morning messages, Greek coffee, and random compliments. When I travel, I gift myself plenty of rest, good food with almost zero diet restrictions and for dessert a kick ass workout. You are your own gym, you don’t need much. Just move and feel. Incorporate these movements on your next workout and let me know how it goes __________________ #womenshealth #womensfitness #mensfitness #purium #fitnessfood #instafit #igfitness #instafitness #workout #training #fitness #fitnessjourney #yoga #fitnessaddict #fitnessmotivation #workout #fitnessco #fitnessmodel #workoutmotivation #functionaltraining #fitnessgirl #mma #boxing #fitnessmodel #fitnessmom #fitnessgoals #fitnesswomen #fitnessblogger #fitnessfreak #workouts @womenshealthmag @menshealthmag @mjfit @visitgreecegr

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Pow it’s #FitnessFriday, my favorite day of the week! This week let’s break down some advantages of #cardio!! For me, cardio is an essential part of my work out, and I believe that my fitness regime is not complete without it! Cardio and heart health can go hand-in-hand; it efficiently pumps blood through the body, balancing your #BloodPressure and resting heart rate. Looking for more? Cardio has got you covered! Other benefits I have experienced include - Improved memory - Increased #circulation leading to clear, healthier skin - #Bloodsugar control - Increased oxygen supply, so your muscles work harder - Reduced fatigue and shortness of breath - Significant calorie burn, helping maintain a healthy weight - My personal favorite - increased sexual arousal in women So ladies… Get to running, get to jumping … Let’s go! Check stories for some of my favorite cardio exercises

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